Back from the PGA show – now what

So you returned from the PGA Show last week as an exhibitor or attendee and “hocked your wares” to anyone and everyone who would listen. In fact, you’ve met a couple of sales people who look and sound pretty decent and have shown interest in your product/service.

Now what?

You follow-up with them and hopefully they respond back within the next couple of weeks. If all goes well you’ll do your due diligence and check references including current customers because you’re smart. Then you’ll negotiate a compensation agreement and send samples if required.

Then the waiting game starts….

If the rep is legit you’ll get an order within 30, 60 or 90 days or longer depending on factors like product/service demand, rep customer base (hopefully one exists), rep’s work ethic, time of year etc….

Finally wah lah the first order appears!

Now real work starts.

You’ll bend-over backwards to fill the order as seamlessly and professionally as possible in a timely manner. Then with a big happy smile, you’ll pay the rep the agreed upon commission rate within the agreed upon time-frame.

Why do soooo much work to please the customer and sales rep? Listen carefully…

because if the rep makes $$$ she/he will refer other good reps and that’s how one build a solid sales force!

Unless you’e a “big wig” like Nike or Adidas or Callaway good independent reps won’t be banging down your door. If you’re a small company and/or new to the golf industry and fortunate enough to find “a diamond in the rough” treat them and their customers like royalty and watch your sales and your sales force grow in leaps and bounds!

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