
How to pooh on your job search without even trying

Candidates looking for a golf job should use White Glove service

Too many candidates seeking a new golf job self sabotage their chances of landing their “dream” golf job or gig or something close to it through procrastination.

Procrastination rears its ugly head in many ways like:

Excuses for not following-up or pursuing good leads

Busy/trivial work like consuming yourself with filing biz cards you collected or spending hours pondering the “right” fonts for your resume

Perfectionism; re-writing first line of your cover letter sooo many times (you want it perfect!) that you miss the application deadline

Spending more time applying to new online jobs vs time researching companies beforehand or following-up afterwards

Procrastination is a form of avoidance.

We avoid doing what we KNOW will help us in the long term by doing the easy stuff…

whats comfortable

whats convenient

whats easy

the stuff in front of us

But time marches on, and the more we procrastinate the less likely we are to do anything meaningful with our job search.

If your goal is to find a good or great golf job in 2018 its time to take action and get results.

A great “call to action” job seeking tool capable of landing  a real golf job near you is our “White Glove” service.

White Glove gives you an exclusive opportunity to “show-off” your value, results, ambition and drive to potential golf employers.

Click here to get started.