Beware of Spooky Golf Employers

Employers constantly complain about bad candidates, a lack of solid ones available and turnover.

But what about scary employers?

You know the ones that never take responsibility for screwing-up the interview process and/or cause turnover.

In the spirit of Halloween, let’s look at some of the most scary golf employers that should be avoided during your job search.

The Ghost

The ghastly employer who “ghost”, fail to acknowledge applications, is the #1 culprit for angry candidate creation. This type of employer cannot get their act together to acknowledge receipt of your resume and/or position throughout the interview process.

It’s rude and unprofessional and eventually tarnishes the employer’s reputation.

Golf employers who ghost are usually the top tier manufacturers and golf clubs who get tons of applications for just about any position they post.

A funny twist that started about 2 years back, is that employers are now being ghosted by candidates!

The bottom line is poor etiquette on both sides.

The Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Employer

These ugly ghouls lurk throughout the interview process creating havoc the very first day at the workplace.

They describe your “dream job” during the interview yet when you accept the offer and begin employment, the job is not what you expected.

For example, you accept a job as GM thinking you’re the decision maker on most club issues yet quickly find out “the board” is really in-charge; you’re hired as a chef, clearly describing your talent in the fine dining arena during your interview, only to find out that club members demand basic comfort food. Or as a sales rep you take-on a new product and realize, after a couple of customer visits, there were four sales reps before you in two years in two years who failed miserably with the same line.

The Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde employer is dangerous because what you see is not what you get!

The Revolving Door Employer

Title sounds innocent enough but its effects are deadly.

Revolving door workplaces experience high turnover…when a % of employees leave your club/company over one year.

High turnover wastes money, time and kills a good company reputation.

Most importantly, turnover is like a hidden disease that starts with one employee and spreads throughout the organization.

The Revolving Door employer also creates low employee morale. When people start falling like hotcakes employees who remain start to wonder why they’re still there…even becoming bitter.

No one wants to be caught dead within The Revolving Door Employer!

So candidates beware of the above employers not just around Halloween but throughout the year.

And if you’re like one of the employers described above, chances are there are some issues within your company or its culture that must be solved before you start hiring new employees again.

If you’re an employer who refuses to wear one of the above costumes and have a position/positions to fill, post your job now.

Dawn McGarry Schlesinger